Legal texts require the translator to be highly familiar with the style, language and terminology of legal texts. In every legal translation, it is vital that the terms and sentence structures correspond to the original text, so the translator requires perseverance and diligence in addition to expertise. We specialise in official translations, and our network includes authorised translators for dozens of target languages.
Contact us and request a quote for your legal translations. Call us +358 10 219 6705
Worldwide network of experts guarantees high-quality legal translations
We have access to a worldwide network of translators and specialists in various fields – professionals who are capable of producing precise and demanding legal translations. When we translate contracts, we use the language of law, which is characterised by precise and challenging terminology, long passages and baffling sentence structures. The translator needs to understand the causal relationships in the translated text and master extremely precise translation into the target language. Careless or otherwise imprecise translation could result in changes to the meanings and terms of the contract, which could be substantially detrimental to the customer company.
Translation memory saves regularly used expressions and terms
All of our translators work with translation memory software – a modern technology that enhances translation work. All of the translations and terminology are stored in translation memories for specific industries and customers, and this enables us to promise consistent, expert translations on future assignments. For example, legal translations – and the legal field more widely – often use standardised expression and terminology, which is always saved in the translation memory for later use. In long-term partnerships, using translation memories also reduces the price of translations, as we are able to make use of the work we have already done on translations such as contracts, which contain some repeated content.
Text localisation guarantees that cultural differences are observed
Text localisation means finalising a translation to make it suitable for the target culture. Our translators are native speakers of their target languages, so they are masters of the types of terms and sentence structures that are suitable for the target culture. This ensures that the factual details of contracts do not change and that the translation is logical and identifiable with the source. When terms and word forms are translated directly without any localisation, they may give rise to misunderstandings and alter the meaning of the contract.
Legal translations into dozens of languages, at any scale
Legal translations do not always need to be directly applicable contractual texts or otherwise official documents – it is a good idea to have a translation made if you have received an agreement in a language you do not understand. We regularly translate contracts, legal texts and judicial documents, so we understand the importance of sensitivity and confidentiality, including in the internal practices within our translation company.
When you need reliable, high-quality translation assistance for legal translations, turn to VK Global. Contact us, let us know what you need and request a quote.