Medicine and healthcare are perhaps the most demanding fields in terms of the importance of accuracy. Our medical translation service applies to doctors, patients, hospitals, the pharmaceutical industry, medical technology and pharmacology. We provide translations for everyone.
Contact us and request a quote for your medical translations. Call us +358 10 219 6705
Medical and pharmaceutical translations from experts
For any type of text or document related to medical science, the translator’s expertise is vital – in some cases, it may even be life-saving. Translated texts are often related to patient care, medication or the use of pharmaceuticals, medical procedures and reports. In all of these cases, it is extremely important that all of the terms are exactly right; an imprecise translation could lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary risks.
We have a worldwide network of professional translators and numerous specialists in various fields. If a native translator in the target language does not have a qualification or specialist expertise in medicine, the translation is always done in cooperation with a specialist in the field. This is how we provide trustworthy, accurate translations that correspond to the original text.
Translation memories help to navigate through the jungle of terminology
Translation memories are used by translation agencies to save translated texts and terms for individual sectors and customers. It is particularly important that medical translations use precisely the right terminology for matters such as diagnoses, symptoms, tests and active substances, so it may be impossible for a professional in a different field – even a translator – to master all of them fully. When the terminology is verified and proven to be correct, it can be saved in a translation memory to ensure that the correct terminology is used consistently in all subsequent translations.
Localisation reduces risks and makes translations more functional
Text localisation means that a native speaker of the target language adapts the text content so it corresponds to the culture of the target language. For medical translations, localisation ensures that the terminology used in the translation corresponds to the original text, figures and units are converted precisely, and any awkward structures resulting from overly literate translation are tidied up. Properly localised texts are logical and comprehensible in the target language, thereby eliminating excess risks and misunderstandings.
Medical translations require professionals
Translations related to medical science, medications and medical devices carry the greatest responsibility and challenge of all the specialist fields, which is why it is hugely important to achieve a perfect end result. For these reasons, it is always advisable to consult a top professional – we understand the requirements and are capable of meeting them fully, in dozens of languages.
Contact us and request a quote for your medical translations.
Medical translations may cover many types of material, such as:
- Texts related to pharmacology
- Clinical trial documents
- Health statistics
- Veterinary texts
- Package leaflets for medicinal products
- Operating instructions for medical devices and supplies
- Doctors’ statements
- Case histories and patient records
- Results of laboratory tests, studies and analyses
- Records of surgical procedures
- Medication certificates, permits and insurance policies
- Treatment recommendations
- Documents concerning pharmacy
- Extracts from the register of medical products
- Quality control documents
- Equipment operating instructions, manuals, descriptions and product lists
- Websites for medical and healthcare professionals
- Papers and dissertations
- Package leaflets
- Dosage instructions
- Medical reports, studies and articles
- Forensic records
- Study materials
- Press releases
- Annual reports
- Legal documents
- Legislative texts