Technical translations cover texts related to operating instructions for machines and equipment, installation instructions, maintenance instructions, description of production processes and other material related to technology, production or industry. Technical translations always include specialised industry-specific terminology, concepts and figures, so accuracy and precise communication of information are of paramount importance.
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Technical translations require expertise
Technical translations require extreme precision to ensure that the original information is communicated, the text remains easy to understand in its context and the terms are correct. For example, all figures and values must be carefully translated, particularly if the units of measurement change, to ensure the translation is free of inaccuracies that could give rise to damage or hazards.
We have access to a worldwide network of translators and experts in specialist fields, so we can offer demanding technical translations with a quality guarantee.
Technical translations highlight the advantages of translation memories
Our translators make use of translation memories, which provide clear benefits in the field of technical translation. All translated texts and terminology are saved in the translation memory, so there is no need to do the same work more than once, and validated terminology can be used in subsequent translations.
The translation memory is particularly useful for technical translations as they typically use a very logical and concise writing style, which is exactly where translation memories come into their own. When several technical translations are created for the same company, they often repeat certain aspects of structure and content, which makes term databases and translation memories all the more valuable. Repetition is particularly common in frequently updated operating instructions and product manuals.
Although the translation memory and termbase significantly enhance the speed and agility of translation work, every text is also reviewed by a professional translator and/or proofreader. This enables us to guarantee the best possible quality of translation and ensure that aspects such as figures and units of measurement are translated correctly.
Localisation guarantees that the text is suitable for the target culture
As in all other types of translation work, text localisation is also important for technical translations. For technical translations, localisation means adapting the figures and terms for the target culture. A natural, logical translation helps to avoid misunderstandings, errors and unnecessary risks.
High-quality translation improves the quality of products and systems
All systems, products and processes come with an explanation, instructions or description that helps the operator to understand how they work and how to use them correctly. A high-quality translation plays a significant role in the system or product, as it promotes safety and ease of use. This is reflected in the desire of buyers and operators to purchase the product, and it improves the user experience. Use an expert translator who specialises in your field to ensure the consistent use of the correct terminology, logic in the translation and the correct conversion of important numbers or measures.
We have access to a worldwide network that enables us to offer native translators and experts in various fields in dozens of different target languages. If you need a technical translation – no matter how small or large – contact us and request a quote.
Request a quote for a technical translation.
Technical translations may be related to many contexts, including the following:
- Websites
- Brochures
- Presentations
- Instruction manuals
- Product details, product guides and product manuals
- Operating systems and user interfaces
- Quotes and tender documents
- Patents
- Catalogues
- User instructions and manuals
- Training guides and safety instructions
- Research reports
- Component lists
- Manufacturing and construction specifications
- Installation guides and troubleshooting instructions